Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bad Karma does bear Fruit!

Karma. What goes around, comes around. We reap as we sow. If we pull the chair from under someone when they're about to sit, the same will happen with us... Or not. Maybe we'd owe the universe a lot more. Perhaps it'd be Murphy's law, or the ways of the world, or just plain rotten luck. To go through what a pal of mine did, is an ordeal. Especially if all of it took place within the span of one week.
I won't be delving into the details of how she earned her bad karma ( Ha, like I'm even an authority on the subject) but lets just say Someone Up There wasn't happy about something she'd done.
Day 1 : We'd boarded a bus from within campus (on a rainy day) to take us to the exit. She was in front of me while climbing down, and had a carton of lassi in one hand and a bag in the other. She was making her way gingerly when she slipped and fell. The next thing we knew, she was sprawled on the mossy footpath with a now empty carton, and a dirty green bag (pun unintended). Hair askew and a thunderous expression, she didn't make the best company on our way back home. But hell, the poor sap had issues. Stained jeans and a skinned knee. Ouch.
Day 3 : We were fighting our way out of a train compartment that was packed like sardines when my friend came face to face with a shrill woman and her bawling child. They got into a heated argument and were on their way to Level II of the fight (that usually involves the use choicest of cuss words from both parties) when the train began moving. We made our hasty retreat and in doing that, had to jump off the running train. Yes, like they do in the movies. But the difference being, it's not as romantic as they make seem. We managed to 'get off' alright, but several feet apart. That's because we 'landed' quite differently as well. I fell on my behind, and bounced off rather like a ball (thus minimizing the impact) but she landed like an airplane that had a inexperienced pilot on board. Off she went careening in one direction...A sprained elbow, injured pride and a rotten mood generally go hand in hand, I learnt that day.
Day 5: She swore she'd walk carefully, talk carefully and climb and get off modes of transport as the epitome of grace. But it seemed like fate wasn't done dealing her bad cards. We were on our way home in a moderately empty train and were lost in thought when all of a sudden, an unripe guava (from outside) went whizzing over my head and hit her squarely in the face.
Picture this. We're travelling at a fast pace through an area that's not best known for it's population. Population that's alive, anyway. (We were crossing a graveyard when it happened)... There weren't any trees in sight and certainly none that had guavas jutting out of them. Yet, from nowhere, there was the fruit that flew into the compartment and bounced off her horrified face. I ducked out of view to 1) Get hold of the offensive object and 2) to stifle my laugh.
Thankfully, she wasn't hurt badly and the next day when she came to college with balm applied around her mouth (that prevented her from talking) I told anyone who'd listen, about the week's past events.
Of course, in doing that I know I've probably earned myself some bad karma. Therefore as precaution, I don't get off buses with cartons of lassi in my hand, I avoid getting into conversations with fellow passengers (lest I get into a brawl with them) and lastly, I say my daily prayers thanking God that melons or any bigger fruits don't grow from high branched trees. The blessing!


Jinju S. said...

LOL.... truly hilarious! er....sme of dese stories sound vaguely familiar but i just can't place who exactly i heard it frm... i think u r smeone i know...if u dnt mind, kindly enlighten me? (not mkng guesses here coz i dnt wanna make a fool of myself in cyber space!):)

Tee-hee said...

I'd really love to keep you guessing Jinju ;)

Vineetha said...

the poor kid!!!
and now that I'm done laughing(truly sorry but it really cant be helped)
I'm really sorry this happened!!!
Sorry dude!!

Vineetha said...

Just reread this! I'm in office and i'm shaking so much from suppressed laughter that girl next to me just asked me if i was alright!!!