If only I could sum up cute, crazy, adorable, annoying, pesky and naughty in one word, life would be simpler. If I try describing my dog, I can never seem to come up with adjectives enough to express the levels of happiness, but also annoyance he causes.
Just the other day, he put me through the most mortifying experience ever, though in retrospect it was also the most ribtickling. Before I start off on my story, I'll give u a short introduction to my dog. Cashew's a sprightly young pup ( all of 5 months!) and a doggie of few words...or should I say, a few barks?! He's almost a vegan, he sleeps 15hrs a day and loves my mom to bits. Thus, in almost everyway, he's an angelic dog to have around...except for a few..errr...goof ups, should I say?!
Like one of Shakespeare's protagonists, Cashew has just one fatal flaw. His inabilty to not chomp on anything thats in his line of vision. (!) He loves to chew just about everything! His variety of that, ranges from stationery to shoes. From telephone wires to eyemakeup! From clothes to the newspapaer! Anything will do!! Alas! That's his Achilles heel, and my poor dog's taken to task for it.
Last Saturday, we had guests visiting and my tale begins at the moment the jolly uncle and aunt walked in. After the cursory bark, Cashew got down to do his sniffing and background verifying. I suppose he must've been happy with their credentials, (in doggie world things like that do exist) thus giving them the security clearance.
The aunty cooed and cawed about Cashew's goodlooks and uncle dropped in a line here and there of his good manners in between discussing the stockmarket with my father. All this while, the doggie in question sat serenely at my feet. That is, until our domestic help arrived.
I must mention here that he has a soft spot for her....which is all very sweet....just that the soft spot is in a not-so-nice way!! He loves annoying the living daylights outta the poor soul.-
He tugs at the mop while she's mopping, he does the conga when she's sweeping, and he loves stealing clothes from the laundry basket. And Saturday happened to be one of those days he carried out his ritual....this time, in full view of uncle, aunty, dad, mom and a very, very embarrassed me!
We were just done with tea and the uncle and aunt were contemplating making a move homeward, when all of a sudden, Cashew made his departure. Ofcourse, his presence was not missed much by the grown ups, who were seriously discussing what next to do with their life.....
That is, till he made his re-entry. That was a kodak moment. The youngest yet most senile member of the family came into the drawing room with his latest loot from the laundry line adorning his head -My sister's lingerie!
Aunty's jaw dropped. Uncle stopped in mid-sentence. Mom looked like she had just witnessed a banshee singing. Dad lunged for a newspaper to hide behind and I lunged for my mad dog whom I was determined to kill in the next few minutes.
I was able to retrive the offensive article and get it out of sight, just in time to come back and see uncle and aunty making their hasty exit and my parents glad to see their receding figures.
What followed was a lecture, of which I had to bear the brunt (As my sweet sisters weren't around) .
Ofcourse, I'm not gonna put you through it, cause that'd be torturous (and as a rule I wouldn't do that to someone who has taken the trouble to read my blog) but that's hardly the point anyway!
Thus ends my story of what a nut head my dog is, that finally brings me to my quest of finding a word that means six adjectives at the same time!
Still working on it!!!