Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Thoughts on a Tuesday afternoon...

   How to articulate things about life that no one prepares you for... Like how does one prepare for the death of a loved one? How does one become self aware? How to get over compulsive behaviors? How to set boundaries without severing ties? How to derive self worth outside of productivity...

  These are juts things that I'm typing out, off the top of my head. But really, with months and years of observing people now... I feel like we haven't come as far as we'd like to believe. We like to go by how far we've made it in the science and technology fields, and there's no doubt we've made progress in leaps and bounds in that sphere... but as humans? In just our everyday interactions.. what are we like...

  Forget geopolitics and even what's happening on national level (that'll make for another discussion altogether) ... just looking at how we treat each other. As friends, spouses, family... heck even ourselves. What is our relationship with ourselves? Are we capable of being by oneself for extended periods (maybe a few hours, days or weeks--aside from  minimal contact with colleagues for work of course) Very simplistically, no. Because we'd drive ourselves crazy. Because we think we need social interaction to live a fruitful life. But that's my thing, see... We are sort of coming out of the pandemic phase, during which we had to keep our interactions to the minimal. So just as an example, taking the smallest unit of a family. Were we able to maintain (mostly) sane interactions with them? Now that we didn't have to deal with driving to and from office, that we didn't have to deal with that toxic colleague more than necessary, now that we had that "family" time we kept talking about like it was a pipe dream... Were we able to treat each other with respect and compassion or were we invariably irritated, frustrated and angry at them because we couldn't go out so we conveniently transferred/poured out our bitterness and annoyance on them? It is endless. The more we try to fix our external, the more we will struggle with our internal. 

  So that's my blogpost for the day. I hope to get better about writing more often but every time I make a grandiose comment about that, I promptly disappear for half a decade or so. So I'll just leave it at that. Thanks for reading :)