How wrapped up are we in our lives, today? Do we take time out to stare out of an open window at leisure? Do we actually enjoy a quiet meal with our loved ones? Do we unwind after a long day of work with a good book or with a silent prayer before turning in?....
Of course we do! I'm convinced that all of us have, at some point or the other done one or all of the above mentioned things. But that's not the point. Its not about enjoying the little joys in life once a fortnight or month. Its about doing those small things often enough to make life matter. If I sound too preachy or annoying, forgive me but I'm in a very contemplative mood today. One of those things that happen to a person now and then. Its a 'then' right now, in my case.
Has it also occurred to those reading this, that we get so many chances in our everyday life to be happy and thankful for all that we have? Thankful for being blessed with such wonderful families, caring friends, plenty of constructive things to be occupied with and a happy life in general :)
Yet, we're forever brooding about the stuff that isn't right about life. A pathetic job for instance, an annoying boss, squabbles with one's friends, a failed love life... The list is endless. Noticed how these thoughts tend to have a snowball effect in one's mind? A single thought is all it takes to set us off... And sometimes, its easy being a despondent. But that's not how things should be. That's not how Life's meant to be.
I don't claim to be a shrink or someone who has a lot of expertise in preaching the 'word of the Lord', or anything that dramatic. I just know, that for things to work out in life and for it to be more livable, all one really needs sometimes... are Tiny drops of faith :)
I'll illustrate that with an example. A couple of months ago, on a not so fine day I was having a horrid time. Things at the preschool (where I work) were getting out of hand. The kids were driving me crazy, my boss was being testy, I'd had a blazing row with my mom, so I was truly at the end of my tether by evening. For want of something to do, (to curb the murderous feelings I began having) I decided to go out with a friend for a spin on her bike.
To clear my head a little, get things into perspective, not blow things out of proportion in my tiny brain, were the things I had in mind....
All of a sudden, I felt it (Not the faith silly! :P). When the first one hit me, I thought I'd been imagining it. Then another one came. And another.
Rain drops were coming down hard and fast and there was no where to run for cover. For those of you who don't know, I'm not a person who loves rain. In fact, its just the opposite. I'd rather do without it, if you ask me.
Therefore, those merry drops (that bring delight to a lot of people) only got me further ticked off. 'That's it! Last straw!' I thought. 'Of all days, God chose today to make it rain! And I PRAY to Him!'... Riding in the rain with the stinging drops in my eyes, it wasn't long before I'd started with water works of my own.
And then it happened. Almost as abruptly as it began, it stopped raining. Completely. I looked up from riding, and then I saw it. The clouds parting to make way for a glorious sun and beautiful blue sky. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me. Like God really thought he should make it up to little kiddo....
For my patient readers who came this far and who're about to roll their eyes at this seemingly childish ending... Let me tell you, its not. Life's not about living and getting it over with. Its about much more. Its about enjoying it. Its about being happy with it... And of course, using those tiny drops of faith to get by sometimes... :)