I haven't been a movie buff all my life, but I do enjoy an occasional romantic comedy. For the longest time, I didn't think that movies could impart anything other than slapstick comedy or pelvic thrusts to its audiences. Now, however, after being put on a steady diet of films for quite a while, I'm beginning to change my opinion. Movies, unlike books are less subtle when it comes to giving advice. They're upfront and tell it like it is... I watched this movie called 'He's just not that into you' a few days ago, and I'm amazed at how well they've captured what runs through our collective brains (and which trains of thought should be prevented from running) when it comes to dealing with the opposite gender. Especially with certain members of the opposite gender whom we fancy, rather.
Let's take for instance Rom-coms as a genre. Practically all of them have side kicks in them who play the best friends/siblings of the protagonists. They're the ones who dish out great advice and tend to be pillars of support till the happy couple unite. And I think most such movies do a good job in how they portray such folks. Friends and siblings do play important roles in our lives and they do dish out plenty of advice too! They make us feel extremely loved and special. And sometimes, too special to be let down at all.
I know of cases where one's buddies have stuck up for the girl, stubbornly suggesting that the guy(s) in question probably did fancy her but where too shy/timid/silly/foolish/gutless to actually admit it. As tempting as it may be to believe them, the truth is in such situations (for all my naive readers out there, a piece of unsolicited advice) the guys may really not be interested at all... or with some sensitivity, they're just not THAT interested.
I know one of the toughest parts about things like these is having to answer questions like "Why meee?!" or worse, "Why NOT meee?!"... And having to live with the sinking feeling that one's not good enough. It's also of little help to be told over and over that "there's better in store" when one doesn't even want what is in store in the first place. Unfortunately, as pathetic as the situation maybe, one just has to learn to deal with it. Put in another way, one has to Grow Up.
This blog entry is dedicated to all the people out there whose love remains unrequited... Time heals everything. Give time, time and all will be right with the world. Someone special, somewhere is made for each one of us and we'll all be entitled to our very own happy endings. Until then, bring out the DVDs, eat the popcorn and watch these romantic comedies that impart crucial wisdom to love sick, lovelorn people like you and me! :P