Thursday, May 20, 2010

Society's Irritants!

The reason behind my dedicating an entire blog entry to people our society could really do without, is my tryst with some of them over the last few days. I'll go in the order of how irritating they are.

1) Band of Annoying aunties. They're a group we're all familiar with. They might be the nosy neighbours in some cases, or the overtly friendly old relatives in others. One variety consists of the aunties who give you the suspicious I-think-I-saw-you-in-the-mall-with-a-boy stare.
And the second variety of old aunties are the ones who want to engage in conversation at the most inconvenient of times. Like when you're running late for work, they'd like to stop and ask you about some old relative's arthritis. More exasperating, when you're taking an afternoon nap, they'd like to barge in and show their grandchildren your big "Daagie" (read: Doggie).

2) Road Romeos. Oh jeez, they're a maddening bunch. Sometimes, the ridiculous songs and how they sing it itself makes you want to turn around and say " Bhaiyaji please mat gaao! Bahut besure ho!"... And some really have the audacity of hitting on you when you're totally out of their league. Like the short ones. It's amusing more than anything else when you see them sing; they've to look up whilst doing it. All you want to say "Find somebody your own size, buddy".

3) Shutter bugs at Weddings. Or rather, only the ones that take pictures of you when you have your plate stuffed, or mouth. Worse still, both. It's highly embarrassing when you've just put an entire rasgulla in your mouth and have the camera flash in your face. Nope, not a memory I had wanted for posterity, but what the hell.

4) Pesky children. Yeah I know they're pretty cute and all but sometimes, they're just... you'll know. This particular anecdote dates back to when the tube was probably in black and white ( It involves my eldest sister when she was a teenager so that's really a long, long time ago :P) She was just learning to roller skate in the corridor of our apartment and along came a troublesome neighbour. The kid wasn't older than 6, but boy did he change my sister's perspective of children or what! Dunno what did, but something must've made him think she could go a lot faster on wheels than just trudging along with the left-right-left technique beginners tend to adopt.
The lil imp snuck up behind her and gave her a mighty shove. Away went my sister screaming a whole lot of cuss words as she went. Poor thing landed several meters away, a glowering heap.

So yes, in conclusion these are the must-avoid candidates in every society. But unfortunately, love 'em or hate 'em they're bound to plague you at some point or the other: Some road romeo trying to get your attention with a B grade filmy song, a kid asking you awkward questions about the zits on your face, some irritating aunty wanting to know where you've been all evening, or some wedding camera guy taking a picture of you with a forkful of noodles that's lost in transaction between your plate and your mouth. Amen.


rosh said...

Hahaha!! so ture!! especially the aunites! and i know you're referring to Sindhis!! ;) ;) to just complete it,i'd like to add their all-time favorite,staple question - " badi ho gayi,shaadi kab kara re?!" ;) :D

Tee-hee said...

Lol! ;) :)

The rising Sun said...

cheerssss!!!!!!!!!! i agree to wat eva is said der, been thru each of them lol! nice one

Mahita said...

ya.. so true. i have relatives who know to ask nothing except "when will u get married"..ha! as if marriage was the only imp thing for girls. and they tend to ignore our hard earned educational qualifications..

Tee-hee said...

@ Mahita, totally ya. They can be a major tick off...