Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I've studied in a convent all through. That's to say I've been in an all girls environment practically all my life. Of course in saying that, I'm obviously obliterating the minimal interaction that I'd had with the opposite gender while I was in nursery or something, but besides that, except for a few odd acquaintances made here and there, I can't brag of a huge mixed friends circle.
The upside of knowing only girls is that it's given me plenty of insight to every kind/variety of the female gender that ever existed. I know just how convoluted their thinking can get, what makes them so complicated, why they get angry at the seemingly unimportant things, and yet what makes them irresistibly cute to guys.
Having said all of that, no, this blog entry isn't going to unravel the mysteries of girls, cause being one myself and having closely studied them for so long, this topic is as boring and redundant as can be.
What I intend doing here, is classifying them under broad categories so it might be of some help to anyone with zilch or very little experience to go about figuring them out. May good luck and the Goddesses (up there and down here) smile upon you.

Disclaimer: Girls, like ogres are like onions. However detailed their description, each one is unique, special and enigmatic in her own way.

1) The Cotton Candy variety: They're the extremely pretty kind who at first blush seem shallow and full of themselves. Well, to do justice to the image, I'll admit that they can be a little narcissistic but will also have to credit them with a lot more. They may pretend to be thick skinned buffaloes when in comes to lesser mortals with their snide comments, but deep down they're really sensitive. A misconception about these good lookers is that they tend to be dim witted. Trust me, they're not.

2) The Betty Cooper variety: They're sweet, nice and average looking. They can be best described as the girl next door. Not usually the risk takers, but they're a lot of fun to hang around with. Extremely, extremely sensitive yet balanced human beings. You can count on this lot not to be the moody variety without having valid reasons.

3) The Punks: They may give off the wrong impression of being tom boyish and sharp tongued. Hell, they are a bit of both (!) but essentially they're just introverts who hate being called that. Hence the image of 'Stay outta my way before I beat you up'. If one ever manages to scratch the surface with these kind of girls, you'll see that they're normal, sweet chicks who want nothing more than to be accepted and liked just the way they are.

4) The 'Attitude' throwing variety: Initially, you'd think they tend to classify everyone as coarser incidents of life that the providence should've long ago removed form circulation. In actuality they're not so evil minded. Having met a lot of these girls myself, I've learnt one thing about them. They're usually the ones with a chip on the shoulder. Either a superiority or (in most cases) an inferiority complex makes them behave that way. Therefore, they use "attitude" as a defense mechanism. Nice kids beneath all of that!

5) The 'Just a friend' variety: They're probably not the 'lookers' but make excellent buddies. They give brilliant advice, have a good sense of humour, and are great human beings on the whole. In my experience, they've always been non-controversial and the coolest variety among the various categories of girls.

So there you are. Half the planet segregated into 5 simple groups. Of course, going about trying to figure them out individually is another story altogether and I won't for the life of me delve into how to go about doing it. I've put in my two cents worth and don't think you need to be more equipped about "knowing what they're like" after this.
Just one last pearl of wisdom: Deep down, every girl is sensitive, loving and nice. Yes, a wee bit complicated, crazy, mad, sweet, sour, proud, arrogant, funny, irritating and nuts too, at times... but mostly just sensitive, loving and nice... :)