Wednesday, June 30, 2010

People who bug the @#%$^&* outta me!

There are a certain bunch of people who tick me off majorly. Yes I'm going to list them out now and no I'm not in the best of moods. Yes you're gonna be put through it but no you won't if you choose to skip this entry and go to the next one.
I, in any case intend going the whole nine yards to vent my frustration.

1) People who give unsolicited advice: Nothing irritates me more than people who try to impose their views (however well meaning) on me. Beginning from which course I should take up to what to apply on my zits. From what kind of healthy food I should be eating to how tidy I should be keeping my room. Really, is it any of anybody's business save mine?!
I don't care if I become the world's only biggest loser with pimples at the age of 35 and who's a also fat slob! Enough with the solutions. Peace out, humanity!!

2) People who patronize me: Really now. Who's given them the authority to sit on some high horse and pass judgments?! Isn't that the easiest thing to do? Everyone's entitled to an opinion. But keeping it to themselves should be made mandatory!

3) People who go overboard with jokes. I appreciate a good sense of humour. In fact, I really respect folks who can laugh at themselves. It shows character... But what also shows character, in bad light, are the kind of jokes they crack and at someone else's expense. Being the butt of jokes is all very well, but only to an extent... After that, it's mockery and no fun anymore. One needs to learn where to draw the line and if they don't, they're signing up for a lot of trouble.

4) Perfectionists: I'm a Virgo myself but I'm not a perfectionist. I'll admit it's good to be particular about things but when one becomes finicky and nit picky, it annoys the hell outta everyone around. Perfectionists should be kept in a cocoon all to themselves, cause hardly anything or anyone is ever good enough for their beautiful little Utopian world. Spare me!

5) Moody and unreasonable people: One moment they're fine. The next they snap, then they're alright but soon they're cranky... What on earth?! I've also noticed, most moody people tend to believe they're blue blooded somehow, and therefore think nothing of riding a rough shod over everyone.
There are few things more satisfying than putting them in their place.

6) Nosy parkers: "Who? With whom? Where was it? What happened? Why? When was this? How did it happen?".... Unless they're part of the CIA, FBI or any other secret service, I think they ought to do a reality check and get a life. Not everything is everyone's business! Off with these meddlers, pooh!

Anyway, in conclusion to my rant entry, I'll just say this. How people behave is totally upto them. But what reactions they're met with, are not. It's important to remain grounded, humble, not be a prick or a pain in the neck. Otherwise, one risks being on people's hate list, or worse still, hit list...:)


Vineetha said...

one:get outta my head!
two:I know!sigh....

Tee-hee said...

@ Hohum, hahaha! We sure are on the same wave length! ;) :D