Friday, July 16, 2010

Limes and Sweet Limes :)

Life. We're all living it, dealing with it, surviving it... but how many of us are grateful for it?... I'm not about to make this entry a moral science lesson wherein I tell you how important it is to be thankful and all. I trust you're smart enough to know that already.
Agreed life hands out lemons sometimes, but it hands us so much more to compensate. We just never acknowledge it. Lets face it, we're tuned in our head to think that life's supposed to function only the way we want it to. Stuff has to work only how we've thought it out and nothing else will do. But when things don't happen the way we plan them, our first reaction is generally resentment, bitterness and ungratefulness.
I'll pause here (not for effect, but) to empathise with anyone who's going through a phase they don't want to be experiencing... It's okay to feel low sometimes. I can bet on anything, that all the motivational speakers, counsellors and agony aunts that ever walked the earth had to once be motivated and counselled themselves. Everyone goes through their ups and down's. How they deal with it, is what makes the difference.
I'm of the opinion that people need to let steam off now and then. I think it's pretty important to do that if one wants to lead a normal life. But having said that, there's no point mopping and feeling sorry for oneself beyond a limit. And I'm saying it out of personal experience.
I can relate to some of us who don't want to embrace the good stuff and happiness just because we're scared we'll be let down again. We're scared cause it won't last. Hell it won't! Nothing in the world has stood the test of time. Not even the Himalayas (cause even that's melting now!), So what can one say about one's feelings and the situations one faces?! The bad stuff?! It just HAS to make way for the good!
Things heal over time. And its important to give being Happy a chance... What does one have to lose anyway? Being miserable??! And isn't that what we're trying to get rid of in the first place?!
I probably have no business dishing out such philosophy and I'm certainly not wise enough, but I'm gonna throw in my two cents worth anyway.
Something good always comes out of something nasty and there's always a blessing if we only look for it. Try doing it sometime, it works :)

1 comment:

The rising Sun said...

:) :) very positive ! makes me feel nice :)