Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yoga Hoga!

One, two, three and four... One, two, three and four... No I'm not revising the number system in my head and yes I can count beyond that, thankfully. What I'm generally doing while saying those numbers in my head, is something else altogether.
I go for Power Yoga classes five days a week (Well, in all honesty I try going all five days but end up...uhh.. not going that often) You can't blame me though. It's difficult waking up in the mornings (leaving the comfort of one's warm bed) to only have one's sleepy dog see one to the door.
Bad enough I have only milkmen, paperboys and hens to keep me company at that hour, but knowing that practially everyone's in deep slumber is annoying. I've had to fight the urge to ring peoples' door bells and run, just so there are more bad tempered people in the morning besides myself.
Anyway, except for that little while in the beginning, staying awake is not so much of an issue later on. It's staying alive that keeps us occupied once we get to 'class'.
Our Yoga instructor is a pleasant young lady in her 30's who in my opinion, is a little misguided of what our bodies are made of. I think she secretly believes we're made of clay or something. The positions we're made to stand/sit/squat in, you'd think she loved playing with plasticine as a child.
It's not to say that she just sets us up with difficult things to do and relaxes herself. No, she performs the same, but with such agility and ease, that she almost has us convinced of her clay theory at times.
I have lost count of the number of times I've been entangled in my own limbs when trying to do the asanas. Of course, getting to the level of being entangled was also a task, cause I had plenty of 'obstacles' and 'barriers' along the way. My paunch obstructed the view of anything below my waist, my tyres acted as barriers, and lard generally occupied my broad shoulders giving people the impression that I wore an armour under my clothes.
But if you think that I've worked off all the extra flab by now, you're wrong. I still have the afore mentioned in the very same places, but what with the moulding classes I've been regularly going for, I've learnt to work my way around the fat and get to my destination.
Someday I know I'll have the body sculpted to perfection. Someday, I know I'll be able to smile through the tangle of limbs, someday I know I won't go blue in the face while exercising... but till then, I'll just keep going for yoga and master the art of 'moulding' myself. One, two, three and four.. One, two, three and four...:)

1 comment:

The rising Sun said...

shonnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i love uuu...... i lughed all thru....u'll mould urself well n perfectly !